The Urban Arboretum
The Urban Arboretum, maintained by Amazon Horticulture, provides Amazonians and community members a connection to nature in the center of Seattle's urban core. As you walk through Amazon's Puget Sound headquarters, we invite you to experience this urban botanical garden, which reflects the diverse plant palette represented within The Spheres.

re:Invent Plaza

re:invent plaza

A variety of rare trees are at home in the re:Invent Plaza, including an unidentified Chinese oak, Delavay’s Silver Fir (Abies delavayi), and Emmenopterys henryi. Despite its wide distribution throughout south-central China and Vietnam, Emmenopterys henryi is threatened in the wild. This species is uncommon outside of Asia, and specimens take a long time to mature. We're excited to see how long the these Emmenopterys will take to bloom! This species is regarded by some as among the most beautiful in Chinese forests.

Continue strolling the re:Invent Plaza and you will come across this landscape on 7th Ave and Lenora. Click on a photo to learn more.

Ready for more? Begin your tour again at the Doppler Stairway. Use the map to collect your bearings and navigate to the next stop.

Up Next: Doppler Stairway

Continue your tour of the Urban Arboretum